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Increasing work demands are affecting employee wellbeing. Too much to do, not enough time to do it, and not enough people to help. However, while the headlines and figures paint a growing picture of work-related stress, there are examples of employers taking this to task and seeing what they can do to alleviate impacts. 
Some are making reasonable adjustments, or training their managers, or setting more realistic goals or objectives so that their teams are more able to cope with the workload. 
Some are exploring the four-day working week, others are offering flexible working arrangements or different start and finish times in order to reduce excessive pressure on their people. 
There are many factors, and employers are balancing the work that needs to be done. They have a legal duty as well as a duty of care to keep their employees safe. 
Looking inwards, identifying management issues and improving employment aspects is the 'preventative' side of the coin; the other is helping employees who are experiencing problems right now. 
Occupational health services can be really helpful, but sometimes employees see an occupational health referral as a penalty rather than as an enabler. An occupational health assessment can help someone with all sorts of physical or mental health concerns - but someone experiencing symptoms of stress may not see this as easily. 

Some of the questions people may have about occupational health but may not feel they can be open about: 

What not to say to occupational health about stress? 
Can I ask to take time off work for mental health? 
Can I lose my job through occupational health? 
Is being referred to occupational health bad? 
What happens if occupational health say you are not fit for work? 
What should I not tell occupational health? 
Will I see the occupational health report before it goes to my manager? 
We know that some people feel they need to 'cover' a health condition or mask a medical condition for fear of looking like they cannot cope, or fear they may be dismissed. There is much to be said about the need for positive psychological safety in the workplace, but even with a supportive environment, talking about problems as part of an occupational health appointment may not come easily for some. 
Employees may struggle with work anxiety, depression, and work-related stress which may not be outwardly visible but that are having a great impact on the individual and their families. 
Signs that someone might be struggling with their health at work include higher than expected levels of sickness absence, more fit notes than you'd expect, regular patterns of workplace absence or reduced productivity, snappiness with work colleagues, or struggling to cope with job duties. They may have considerable weight fluctuations, work-related illnesses or health-related issues that are not easy to explain. 
Being aware of the signs of stress in others can help - see our other blog post for spotting signs of work-related ill health here. An occupational health adviser trained in giving occupational health advice can help both you and your employee make the best plan that suits you both. Occupational health recommendations might include changes to work patterns or reasonable adjustments. It may also give a helpful input for employers to fulfil their legal obligations and duty of care around employee health, helping you make an informed decision in regard to next steps. 
When safeguarding the health and safety of your workforce, clear communication with occupational health professionals is essential. However, there are common errors that can impede these vital conversations in the UK. Here we explore five frequent mistakes and how to avoid them. 
Mistake 1: Lack of preparation before meeting occupational health professionals 
One of the most common problems employees have when engaging with occupational health professionals is that they received insufficient preparation prior to meetings.  
Many employees may enter these discussions without being given the reason for the meeting or what you hope to achieve from it. It's best to have an open discussion between the employer and the employee so that you can agree objectives and provide a good space where the employee feels comfortable to talk about their health concerns in relation to workplace conditions. This oversight can result in an unproductive meeting, where essential issues remain unaddressed, and valuable time is wasted. 
Preparation is key to ensuring that all relevant topics are covered and that the meeting achieves its purpose. To prepare effectively, compile all pertinent information beforehand. This may include medical records, notes on workplace incidents, and any previous correspondence with health professionals - these will all aid the occupational health assessment. Additionally, employees should take the time to think about the specific concerns or questions they wish to address during the meeting. 
This structured approach helps in talking about issues clearly and demonstrates a commitment to the process. Being well-prepared can greatly enhance the quality of the discussion and lead to more meaningful outcomes. 
Both employer and employee familiarising themselves with occupational health policies can provide context for the conversation and facilitate a more informed dialogue. 
Mistake 2: Misunderstanding the roles and responsibilities of occupational health professionals 
Another common mistake is failing to fully understand the roles and responsibilities of occupational health professionals. There is often a misconception that these experts are solely there to address employee health issues after they arise, rather than being proactive partners in promoting workplace wellness. 
Occupational health professionals are trained to assess risks, provide preventive measures, and advise on best practices to maintain a healthy work environment. Recognising their multifaceted role can significantly improve the effectiveness of communication. 
Occupational health professionals engage in a range of activities, from conducting health assessments to providing training on ergonomics and stress management. They also collaborate with management to develop policies that promote employee wellbeing. Understanding this breadth of responsibility helps everyone to appreciate the value occupational health providers bring to the table. 
At the same time, acknowledging the limitations of occupational health professionals is essential. While they possess specialised knowledge, they may not have all the answers regarding specific workplace dynamics or individual health histories. Therefore, it is vital to view these professionals as collaborators who require input from employees and management alike. 
Mistake 3: Failing to provide accurate and detailed information 
Providing accurate and detailed information is critical when communicating with occupational health professionals. Unfortunately, many underestimate the importance of sharing comprehensive details, leading to wrong conclusions or ineffective occupational health recommendations. When employees present vague or incomplete information regarding their health issues or workplace conditions, it can hinder the professional's ability to offer targeted advice and interventions. 
To get over this issue, people should take the time to think about their health in advance, articulate their concerns clearly and provide context. This includes discussing specific symptoms, their duration, any relevant workplace incidents, and impact on daily life. By doing so, occupational health professionals can gain a complete understanding of the situation and tailor their recommendations accordingly. 
Additionally, being forthcoming at the occupational health appointment about previous medical history or treatments can further inform the approach. Creating an open line of communication encourages a more collaborative relationship with occupational health professionals. 
Mistake 4: Not actively listening to the advice and recommendations of occupational health professionals 
Active listening is a crucial skill that is often overlooked in conversations with occupational health professionals. When employees do not fully engage with the advice and recommendations given, they may miss out on valuable insights that could significantly impact their health and safety. Make the occupational health assessment work for you as much as for the employer. 
Active listening involves more than simply hearing the words being said; it requires full attention and engagement. This means putting aside distractions, making eye contact, and demonstrating genuine interest in what the occupational health professional has to say. Asking clarifying questions and summarising key points can ensure everyone is aligned and understands the recommendations being provided. 
This practice not only reinforces the information shared but also allows for a more interactive and productive discussion. Active listening fosters a collaborative atmosphere where individuals feel valued and respected. It encourages a two-way conversation, making it easier for employees to express their concerns and for professionals to provide tailored advice. 
Mistake 5: Neglecting to follow up and implement the recommendations given by occupational health professionals 
The final common mistake is neglecting to follow up the recommendations provided by occupational health professionals. It is not enough to simply receive advice; taking action based on that guidance is essential for ensuring a healthier work environment. When people do not follow through on recommendations, it can undermine the efforts of occupational health professionals and result in continued health issues or safety risks - leading to more sickness absence meetings. 
Following up after meetings allows everyone to address any questions or concerns that may have arisen during the discussion. It also serves as an opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the next steps. Documenting the recommendations and creating a timeline for implementation can help keep individuals accountable and focused on the actions. 
Ongoing communication with occupational health professionals is helpful for monitoring progress and making adjustments. Regular check-ins can provide feedback and allow for modifications if needed. 
What happens in a typical occupational health appointment? 
Scheduling and preparation 
Once your employer refers you for an occupational health assessment, you'll typically receive an appointment within a few days. The appointment may be face-to-face or conducted remotely via telephone or video call, depending on your circumstances and the nature of the assessment. 
Before the appointment, the occupational health professional will review information provided by your employer. This may include details about your job role, any health concerns, and specific questions they want addressed. 
The assessment 
Your appointment might last between 30 to 45 minutes but this depends entirely on your own circumstances and the job requirments. During this time, the occupational health professional may: 
Discuss your medical history and current health status 
Ask about your job role and any work-related health concerns 
Explore how your health might be affecting your work, or vice versa 
Consider any adjustments or support that might be helpful 
Depending on your own situation and the requirements of the role, the occupational health assessments may or may not involve physical examinations. This is an important question to ask, so that you can manage expectations and prepare accordingly. 
Confidentiality and consent 
Your appointment will be confidential. The occupational health professional has a duty of care towards you and should only share relevant information with your employer with your consent. They typically explain what information they plan to include in their report and ask for your agreement before sending it. Your employment rights remain intact even if your ill-health capability or capability outcome might not be what you expect. 
After the appointment 
Following your assessment, the occupational health professional is likely to compile a report for your employer. This report will provide advice and recommendations based on your discussion, focusing on how to support your health and wellbeing at work. 

The impact of demanding work practices on employee mental health 

Recent studies reveal the toll of increased work demands on employees. Mental Health UK reports that 79% of British employees have experienced burnout, with 35% reporting high or extreme levels. These statistics reflect the consequences of excessive workload and heightened expectations on your staff. Employees may be struggling with increased feelings of stress, a feeling of lack of control, reduced productivity, and potential career setbacks without voicing their concerns. 

Supporting employees returning to work after depression 

Many employees feel anxious about returning to work after spending time away with depression, particularly in high-pressure environments. Employers would do well to recognise that staff members in this situation often struggle with fears about their ability to cope with workloads, potential judgment from colleagues, or difficulties readjusting to workplace routines. 
People who are anxious about returning to work after depression may benefit from a phased return-to-work plan, allowing them to gradually reintroduce responsibilities. They often need regular check-ins to discuss concerns and receive ongoing support. Workplace adjustments such as flexible working hours or a reduced workload can be crucial. Ensure they're aware of  
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) or occupational health advisers available to help them during this transition period. Trust and honest communication about what's working well and what is not working at all, will help everyone move forward. 

Managing time off for mental health 

Employees sometimes need to take time off work for mental health reasons, particularly when work pressures become overwhelming. However, they may hesitate to request this time off. Creating a clear policy that supports employees who need to take time off work for mental health can help staff feel more comfortable discussing their needs and seeking necessary support. 
While on leave, employees often appreciate appropriate contact from their employer, but also need their boundaries and recovery process respected. Before returning, they may benefit from creating a return-to-work plan that considers their wellbeing alongside business needs. Some employees find flexible options such as part-time or remote work helpful during their transition period. Seeing a GP may also help them manage the risk of stress returning, with strategies to keep themselves well. 

Addressing daily work anxiety 

Some employees experience anxiety going to work everyday, often due to high workloads or long hours. This daily anxiety can significantly impact their performance and overall wellbeing. Employers should be aware that staff members struggling with anxiety going to work everyday may need additional support and accommodations to manage their stress levels effectively. 
Employees in this situation can benefit from stress risk assessments to evaluate workplace stressors and implement measures to reduce them. Clear communication channels can help reduce uncertainty for anxious employees. Access to stress-reduction techniques and resources for managing anxiety during work hours can be valuable. A supportive team culture that fosters understanding among colleagues is particularly helpful for employees facing challenging work demands. 

Holding occupational health discussions about stress 

When discussing stress with occupational health professionals, employees often seek guidance on what to say to occupational health about stress. They should be encouraged to provide a comprehensive picture of their situation, including how work-related stress is impacting both their professional and personal life. Employers can support this process by preparing employees for these conversations and assuring them that honesty about their experiences is valued and necessary for appropriate support to be provided. 
Employers should create a culture where their teams feel comfortable about being open about times of stress and sources of stress and work-related issues. They may need encouragement to communicate what support or adjustments they believe would help, while remaining open to professional suggestions and occupational health advice. 

Creating a less demanding work environment 

To avoid burnout, employees need a work environment that doesn't constantly push them to their limits. They may benefit from workload reviews to ensure tasks are manageable and evenly distributed. Employees often appreciate having more autonomy over their work and decision-making processes, which can improve job satisfaction even in high-pressure environments. 
Clear job descriptions and understanding of responsibilities can help tackle a lack of clarity and help employees manage expectations. Opportunities for skill enhancement through training, mentoring and career development can also show employees how much they are valued. 

Balancing a culture of wellbeing with high expectations 

Employees flourish more in a workplace culture that prioritises mental health, even when faced with business pressures. They often look to leaders to set an example by speaking about mental health and demonstrating healthy work-life balance. This might involve visible efforts to limit after-hours work or emails, and respecting employees' time off. 
Colleagues trained as mental health first aiders can help others by recognising signs of stress and burnout and providing initial support. Social connections through team-building activities can strengthen workplace relationships, building employee resilience against work pressures. 
Physical health opportunities such as gym memberships or lunchtime walking groups can provide employees with needed breaks from work demands and contribute to overall wellbeing. 

Training and supporting managers to understand employee needs 

Employees benefit greatly when their managers are well-equipped to handle mental health concerns in the workplace. Managers trained in mental health awareness, stress management, and supportive leadership practices are better able to recognise a wide range of signs of mental health issues, have sensitive conversations, and implement appropriate accommodations. 
Employees appreciate managers who create balanced workloads for their teams and model healthy work practices themselves. Regular check-ins to discuss team dynamics, workload distribution, and any emerging mental health concerns can help employees feel supported and prevent issues from escalating. 

Measuring the impact of mental health initiatives on employee experience 

To ensure mental health strategies are effective, it's important to understand the employee experience. Employees can provide valuable feedback through surveys on stress levels, job satisfaction, and the effectiveness of support measures. Monitoring metrics such as absenteeism rates, productivity levels, and employee turnover can help identify trends in employee wellbeing. 
Analysing the uptake of mental health resources and support services can offer insights into what employees find most helpful. Gathering feedback through open discussions provides deeper insights into employee experiences, particularly regarding any changes to work expectations or practices. 
Normal pressures are natural at work, but excessive demands can have a negative impact and long term effects on wellbeing for the person and those supporting them. Understanding and addressing employee needs is not just beneficial for staff wellbeing, but also leads to improved performance, reduced costs, and a positive work environment for all. 
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